31 May, 2008

European Elder

This small tree creates quite a show in Spring with flat-topped clusters of tiny white flowers against a dense background of bright green leaves. The flowers are still occasionally used in simple fritter and bread recipes. When fully ripe, the small, juicy, purple-black berries are used to make jam and in times past they were considered effective prepared as a tradional medicine.

Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Italian common name: Sambuco comune
English common name: European Elder

Wild Pea

Growing in a low, spreading tangle of vegetation with hundreds of blue and deep purple colored flowers, wild peas are a springtime art work of the highest perfection. Colonies of this herbaceous vine flourish in extravagant abundance on open sunny sites here at Gangivecchio and throughout the Madonie region.

Scientific name: Pisum sativum
Italian common name: Pisello selvatico
English common name: Wild Pea

Spanish Broom

For several weeks in Spring, clouds of sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers cover the green cylindrical stems of this shrub. Varying in size from small to large, depending on site conditions, Spanish Broom is common on dry sunny hillsides at Gangivecchio and throughout the surrounding countryside.

Scientific name: Spartium junceum
Italian common name: Ginistra di Spagna
English common name: Spanish Broom

01 May, 2008


A favorite subject of painters and landscape photographers, the fiery orange-red flowers of poppies nodding gracefully in spring breezes create a shimmering presence (farmers might say 'infest') in cultivated crops, pasture lands and roadside vegetation at Gangivecchio and nearby areas.

Scientific name: Papaver pinnatifidium
Italian common name: Papevero pennatifido
English common name: Poppy