Snow has fallen on beautiful Gangivecchio a few times already this winter but RAIN is the big story these days. The first picture is of the Tenuta--looking west from the (winter!) garden of GV residents Dr. Charlie and Shirley Sacamano--and the second shows the fountain. Thanks to Charlie and Shirley for these and many other photos posted on the GV website.
There is one more Italian holiday tomorrow and then 2008 will officially begin. The registration of the Gangivecchio Foundation in Sicily will be complete within the month and we hope to finalize things in the US by the middle of February. Work on the nature trail continues and plans are coming together for the kitchen garden to ensure plenty of very local ingredients for the Gangivecchio kitchen. 2008 at Gangivecchio is certain to be a year of reflection and discovery. The past will guide us in our restoration and preservation efforts and be honored as the new Gangivecchio Foundation charts its course. Mille Grazie to our dear friends near and far for caring so much about our little part of Sicily. We hope to see all of you here in 2008!
A Presto!